Quartz is one of the most widespread minerals in the world. Its value is determined by its clarity, location, size, and inclusions. There are many different variations of quartz. It is known as the Master Healer because it it focuses all kinds of energy, balances all planes, and amplifies other crystals. It also enhances the users psychic abilities.
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Types of Quartz
Candle Quartz - magnifies the effect of other crystals; brings information from past lives; can help you access the Akashic Records; aids in connection to higher realms; excellent for crystal grids
Garden Quartz - stimulates the creative mind; sharpes your awareness of your destiny & life path; encourages your inner dreams; stone of fairytale dreams as it inspires you to pursue your heart's desires and find greater happiness in your life
Himalayan Quartz - connect with spirit guide; stimulate psychic abilities & visions; excellent crystal healer tool; powerful spiritual energy & high vibrations
Lemurian Quartz - helps to connect with divine purpose; access information from lost civilizations; bridges gap between realms; help resolve deep seated issues; strong spiritual development
Lithium Quartz - aids in relaxation; flows energy; excellent meditation crystal; boosts intuition & encourages dreams
Phantom Quartz
Rose Quartz - promotes self healing & self love; stone of unconditional & universal love; fortifies relationships & promotes forgiveness
Smoky Quartz - strong grounding crystal; boosts intuition & enhances male energy; strong protection against bad luck; increases practicality, survival instinct, and ability to move forward in life; dispels nightmares & manifests dreams
Spirit Quartz - strong connection to spirit realm; aids in spiritual evolution; help restore balance to your life; briong feelings of peace; help people to work as a team, especially at work
Tangerine Quartz - stimulates passion; brings out inner child; helps you overcome your limitations; bring joy & happiness; aids in recovery after trauma
Tourmalinated Quartz - amplifies protective energies; helps release old unwanted behavior patterns; cleanses & purifies the mind, body, & spirit; releases negative energy